telekaster: at how many beats per life

2010 August

September will see the release of a 4-track Telekaster tape on london-based My Dance The Skull, a lovely little publishing house focusing on art books, zines and audio cassettes. I reworked 4 tracks left over from the The Silent Anagram sessions, building two sides of 10 minutes each. The release will be entitled At How Many Beats Per Life and dives back into the more ambient-textured side of Telekaster, longer, drony, beatless pieces. The tape will be strictly limited and available from selected sellers as well as from the MDTS online shop. More Information as well as a few things to listen to are coming soon. In the meantime you might want to check out the label website or read an interview Mikhail Karikis (former subrosa-labemate) conducted with me, for the label website.