lockdown update / EP release ahead
Spring is here! And we are getting quite close to the release of my new EP MATTERS OF STABILITY on TruthTable. 16 MAY 2020 is it!!! Five new tracks and a title that sounds more adequate than ever these days. And actually its first track is called NEON PRIMAVERA – and that‘s most definetely what i was looking for in this picture here, taken a few weeks back in the south by Aina Riu right before the lockdown… Oh, and you can pre-order (digital) the EP on Bandcamp, if you like. It is available here.
Now back in Berlin i try to use this quiet time in the studio, i am between projects anyways, but we will see what happens regarding the upcoming theatre projects, how and if they are going to happen. Meanwhile some great productions i was involved in over the past years have been selected for quarantine streaming now by the respective theatres or nachtkritik.de – our LJOD TRILOGIE even made it into the NY Times in these crazy times! One of my all-time favourites AM KÖNIGSWEG (Schauspielhaus Hamburg) will be screened 23/24 April on the theatre’s website, too. So stay for that, if you miss live theatre too much, video can at least bridge the time a bit…
Well, let’s see what comes out of all this. Yet what i can say for sure is that it will not be 5 years between solo EPs again this time… As the lockdown weeks pass by, i keep producing material for what will surely become my EP number 3, including a few special guest contributions… Very happy about that amidst all the chaos. Also just recently i produced a remix for my friend Maike Zazie, which will be out on K7! in a few weeks time, too. If you like, check back round here or on my instagram.